Welcome To MyLeaderboard

Myleaderboard is a golf management system for Professional Golf Clubs, Social Golf Clubs, Corporate Golfing Groups, Friends and Individuals.

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Member Management

Manage your club members and their access to club game information.

Create placeholder members for people who don't want access to the myleaderboard system.

Link system users to club memberships.

Send membership invitations.

Promote membership to your club by allowing membership requests that are forwarded to you club's' email address.

Integrated Game and Scoring System

Create games of varying types, including:- Match Play, Stroke Play, Stableford and Ambrose.

Manage Players and use scorecards specifically designed for each game type.

Automatically apply an appropriately calculated daily handicap value, on a per hole or per game basis.

Players can add their own score through the web based scorecard interface or download the appropriate app and load the scores during the round.

Built In Handicapping System

Built in handicapping system based on the latest World Handicap System.

Handicaps can be calcuated for a single individual, across a group of freinds or across the entire club.

Learn More...

How To Video For Basic User
How To Video For A Club Member
How To Video For Advanced Subscription
How To Video For A Club Subscription